Akeia Keith, also known as “SheRockz,” is a passionate global motivational speaker. She has been speaking on various platforms since the age of 14. Akeia Keith has made an unforgettable impact by speaking for youth conferences, small groups, college social groups, group homes and working alongside professional athletes..
Akeia Keith is known for her optimistic approach to life as well as the positive energy that follows her into every room she enters. Akeia Keith has a plethora of life experiences and educational certifications with the Council Of Accountability Court Judges where she facilitates groups such as, but not limited to, TREM (Trauma Recovery and Empowerment), Aggression Replacement, Prime Solutions (sobriety support and education) and MRT (Moral Reconation Therapy).
Working with at risk youth has been an identified niche that has given Akeia Keith the opportunity to assist youth, their families and those that work with youth (i.e. parents, teachers and foster care parents, school officials) in exploring new thought patterns, behavior modifications, positive anger management techniques, effective communication strategies and positive coping skills to overcome any barrier that may be presently creating chaos in their lives.
Growing up in poverty and witnessing domestic violence and alcoholism with her parents equips Akeia Keith with various insights on how to effectively open the eyes of youth to live a better life despite their current environment and household oppositions. Akeia’s message is a life changing one and the audience will leave with great insight on being an effective dreamer and executor of his or her dreams by positive actions and a positive mindset.